Extension for REAPER

Version: 17.06.2024
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From author of the keymap

Hi there! I suggest for you my "Ear Sounddesign" keymap. But firstly I should to excuse for my non perfect English, of course. Although, you are used to this, don't you? Well, better get down to business.

  • The main principle of the keymap was intuitiveness and lightness using functions. Here're a lot of duplicated keyboard shortcuts, which aren't conflict together. For each alphabetic key fixed his own function. For example K is tracks, F is fx, E is envelopes, etc. Read on for details.
  • The keymap directed mainly for working with an audio sources, although Midi also more than possibly. Keyboard shortcuts thought out for this can be control via one hand. You will class this if like me frequently use Reaper hugging your contrabass.
  • And with all this you haven't to reconfigure your screenreader. The keymap doon't use "insert" keys and numpad block. So it can be used even via mini bluetooth keyboards.

As I already wrote, the commands apporteoned on alphabet keyboard in their first letters for better memorization - A (Arming), I (Inputs), M (Metronome), etc. Often it is a multipressing keys, where first pressing get for you any information, and second or third pressings influenses to your project.

  • F1 - keyboard help;
  • F2 - rename track;
  • F3 - open, save, close the project;
  • F4 - navigation markers;
  • F5 - Миди-editing;
  • F6 - transport-toggle;
  • F7 - rendering;
  • F8 - current project;
  • F9 - пReaEar profiles toggle;
  • F10 - global settings;
  • F11 - registration keys manager;
  • F12 - rebind of keyboard shortcuts;

  • tab - virtual editing;
  • Space - play or stop (ctrl+space - pause);
  • Enter - menu of item, marker or envelope;

` - everything related to markers:

  • 1 press - pronounces count of project markers;
  • 2 press - inserts a new project marker at the cursor position;
  • Combined with arrows go to nearest project markers.

The numerals from 1 to 0 - goes to appropriate project markers;

A - Arming, everything related to record arming preparation:

  • 1 press - pronounces tracks prepared for recording;
  • 2 press - toggles the track under cursor arm-unarm;
  • 3 press - does all tracks unarm.

B - Master, everything related to master-track:

  • 1 press - pronounces condition of master-track, its effects and sends;
  • 2 press - shows or hides it;
  • 3 press - virtual editing for the master;
  • B+up or B+down - stereo-mono toggle
  • B+left or B+right - pronounces values of pick-inspector for the master.

C - cursors, everything related to cursor position (and also with pronounce of any certain values):

  • 1 press - pronounces the default cursor position;
  • 2 press - pronounces the cursor position in minutes and seconds;
  • Combined with arrows pronounces the cursor position in different scales;
  • Combined with many other multipressing keys it pronounces information related to the appropriate key (C+. - pronounces the selection frames, C+U - pronounces count of the selected items, etc).

D - media, everything related to media files:

  • 1 press - inserts a media file in the cursor position;
  • 2 press - search of the media file;
  • 3 press - show or hide media-explorer;
  • D+down - inserts the media file from clipboard (SWS).

E - Envelopes, everything related to envelopes:

  • 1 press - pronounces the selected envelope and count of it points;
  • 2 press - inserts a new point of selected envelope;
  • 3 press - show envelope manager of the track or the item (also duplicated to ctrl+E);
  • E+Up or E+Down - chooses type of the envelope;
  • E+Right or E+Left - chooses next or previous envelope point;
  • li>alt+Arrows - moves selected points forward-back or increase-decrease it values.

F - fx, everything related to effects:

  • 1 press - pronounces effects of the track;
  • 2 press - FX inspector;
  • 3 press - effect chain of the track (also duplicated alt+F);
  • ctrl+F - effect chain of the item;
  • F+Up or F+Down - toggle bypass effect of master or the track;
  • F+PgUP or F+PgDOWN - turns on or off all effects of the selected tracks;
  • F+HOME or F+END - toggle bypass effects of all tracks;
  • F+Numerals (1-8) - toggle bypass appropriate effect of the track (SWS);
  • F+BACKSPACE - turns on all effects of the selected tracks.

G - grid, everything related to grid:

  • 1 press - pronounces value of the current grid;
  • 2 press - set signification of grid via keyboard;
  • 3 press - grid settings;
  • G+Up or G+Down - increases or decreases value of the grid for 2;
  • G+PgUP or G+PgDOWN - increases or decreases value of the grid for 3;
  • G+HOME or G+END - increases or decreases value of the grid for 5;
  • G+Numerals - set of the grid by duals, triples, sevens, etc;
  • G+E+Left or G+E+Right - moves selected envelope points forward or backward by grid.

H - pitch, everything related totransposition:

  • 1 press - pronounces value of pitch and playrate item under the cursor;
  • 2 press - toggle of pitch preserve;
  • 3 press - reset pitch and playrate of item (SWS);
  • H+Up or H+Down - increases or decreases take pitch for 1 cent;
  • H+PgUP or H+PgDOWN - increases or decreases take pitch for 1 semitone;
  • H+HOME or H+END - increases or decreases take pitch for 1 octave.

I - inputs, everything related to inputs:

  • 1 press - inputs of the track under the cursor;
  • 2 press - monitoring of inputs effects;
  • I+Up or I+Down - turns on or off quantization of input MIDI signals;
  • I+Left or I+Right - toggle of modes of MIDI or Audio recordings.

J - jumps, everything related to jumps across the project:

  • 1 press - jump to the specified coordinates;
  • 2 press - jump to a random coordinates (SWS);
  • J+Up or J+Down - jump to the first or the last track;
  • J+Left or J+Right - jump to start or end of the project;
  • J+PGUP or J+PGDOWN - jump to the next or previous region.

K - tracks, everything related to tracks:

  • 1 press - pronounces selected tracks;
  • 2 press - inserts a new track;
  • 3 press - track-manager;
  • K+Up or K+Down - nudges increase or decrease volume of the track;
  • K+Left or K+Right - nudges pan of the track left or right by stereo base;
  • K+вPGUP or K+PGDOWN - moves selected tracks above or below by list;
  • K+HOME or K+END - moves selected tracks to start or end of the list.

L - Locking, everything related to locking and freezings:

  • 1 press - locking the item;
  • 2 press - locking settings;
  • 3 press - switch of locking activity.

M - metronome, everything related to metronome:

  • 1 press - вturns on or off it;
  • 2 press - metronome settings;
  • 3 press - toggle of metronome activity during recording;
  • M+Up or M+Down - increases or decreases metronome volume (SWS);
  • M+Left or M+Right - switches of metronome activity during playback or recording.

N - nearest, everything related to any near objects:

  • 1 press - goes to nearest transient in the item;
  • 2 press - goes to nearest zero crossing;
  • N+Left or N+Right - go to the nearest left or right edge of the item;
  • N+PgUP or N+PgDOWN - choice previous or next nearest folder.

O - outs, everything related to outputs and sends:

  • 1 press - show routing of the track;
  • 2 press - show routing of the master.

P - peaks, everything related to peak-inspector:

  • 1 press or P+Up or P+Down - reset current values;
  • 2 press - turns on or off it;
  • 3 press - peak-inspector settings;
  • P+Left or P+Right - pronounces of values left or right channel;
  • P+PgUP, P+PgDOWN - increases or decreases sensitivity of peak-inspector.

Q - Record monitor, everything related to record monitoring, and also any sound indications:

  • 1 press - pronounces active monitoring tracks;
  • 2 press - turns on or off monitoring of the track;
  • 3 press - deactivates monitoring of all tracks.

R - record, classic record button.

S - solo, everything related to solo:

  • 1 press - pronounces soloed tracks;
  • 2 press - turns on or off solo of the track;
  • 3 press - diactivates solo on all tracks.

T - tempo, everything related to tempo:

  • 1 press - pronounces tempo under cursor;
  • 2 press - inserts a new tempo marker;
  • 3 press - pronounces count of tempo-markers;
  • T+Left or T+Right - go to the previous or next tempo-marker;
  • T+Up or T+Down - increases or decreases tempo under cursor by 1 bpm;
  • T+PGUP or T+PGDOWN - increases or decreases tempo under cursor by 10 bpm;
  • T+HOME or T+END - increases or decreases tempo under cursor by double.

U - Current object, everything related to the item and the take:

  • 1 press - pronounces name of a item under cursor;
  • 2 press - open selected items in media-explorer;
  • 3 press - notes for the item;
  • U+Up or U+Down - switches to the previous or next take;
  • U+Left or U+Right - go to start or end the item;
  • U+PgUP or U+PgDOWN - increases or decreases item playrate by 6% (suited to 1 semitone);
  • U+HOME or U+END - reset the item or project playrate;
  • U+Y+Up or U+Y+Down - nudges volume of the item Up or Down.

V - moves, everything related to moves and nudges points and objects:

  • 1 press - open nudge-settings;
  • 2 press - save nudge settings;
  • V+Left or V+Right - nudges the object Left or Right according last nudge settings.

W - stretching, everything related to stretch:

  • 1 press - pronounces count stretch-markers on choosed track or item;
  • 2 press - inserts a new stretch-marker in cursor position;
  • 3 press - switches modes of stretch-markers;
  • W+Left or W+Right - choose the previous or next stretch-marker;
  • W+Up or W+Down - resets value of a nearest stretch or moves it to cursor position.

X - splits, everything related to split and glue:

  • 1 press - splits a item under the cursor;
  • 2 press - glues selected items;
  • 3 press - toggle autocrossfade on splits;
  • X+Arrows - different types of splits and glues;
  • X+` X+Y X+D - splits by project markers, dynamics, media, etc.

Y - dynamics, everything related to dynamics (transients):

  • 1 press - pronounces values sensitivity and threshold of transient detector;
  • 2 press - transient detector settings;
  • Y+Left or Y+Right - go to previous or next transient;
  • Y+Up or Y+Down - increases or decreases threshold;
  • Y+PgUP or Y+PgDOWN - increases or decreases sensitivity.

Z - mutes, everything related to mute:

  • 1 press - pronounces muted tracks;
  • 2 press - turns on or off mute the track;
  • 3 press - deactivates muteing for all tracks.

Punctuation section dubles some functions, but also here are some chains:

  • , - multiselection mode (once activates shift for multiselection, double tap reset all selections) - but also responsible for additional time-selection control;
  • . - Mute - also responsible for set and reset edges of time-selection;
  • / - solo - also responsible for loops;
  • ; - Arm;
  • ' - Monitoring - also responsible for phase control;

\ responsible for crossfade:

  • 1 press - crossfade menu;
  • 2 press - switches shape of crossfade;
  • 3 press - autocrossfade activity;
  • \+Left or \+Right - fade-in or fade-out from the cursor;
  • \+Up or \+Down - splits item by fade-in or fade-out.

  • - = short playback of previous or next transient;
  • [] - responsible for regions (although without arrow-chains just moves the cursor to 8 pixels forward or backward);
  • Backspace - stops the recording and immediately deletes bad take.

Page buttons section responsible for measures and beats navigation:

  • PgUP - next measure in cursor position (with ctrl next beat);
  • PgDOWN - previous measure in cursor position (similar);
  • END - start of next measure (with ctrl next beat);
  • HOME - start of current measure (similar);
  • DELETE - deletes selected objects;
  • INSERT - inserts some objects, or use as classic screenreader button (a matter of taste).

Arrows - plain navigation (from it isn't any chains starts).

Numpad section identical 'Advanced' keyboard layout, but here it doesn't perform significant functions. All commands were duplicated (besides MIDI-redactors).

Also in this layout here're a lot of 'undocumented functions' - for example keyboard shortcut C+Z (Cursor + Mute) activates silent scrabbing mode, and F+B (FX + Master) shows effects window for master-track. You can search much more. However, keyboard assistant (F1) gives out all the secrets.

Also several 'Easter eggs' are here, the main which - the layout will still finish up yet. And try ask an advice from wise AI.

You also can activate the developer mode (although preliminarily you should write to us):

  • ctrl+alt+shift+k = developer mode or algorithms publishing;
  • ctrl+k - commands interception or scripts restarting;
  • alt+k - copying to clipboard last keyboard chain.


Yours layout master Mike.