Rules, algorithms and features of functioning

paid subscriptions

Terms and definitions:

Basic functions – application functions provided to users free of charge, for which a subscription is not required.

Advanced Features – application functions provided to the user for a monetary fee. To access these features, you must purchase a paid subscription.

Resources – application functions provided to the user in a limited amount. The amount of resources provided may differ in basic and advanced features, and may also depend on the type of paid subscription.

Payment number – the date of the month in which the subscription is scheduled to be renewed. It most often coincides with the date when the subscription was initially activated.

Billing month – The month in which the subscription is scheduled to be renewed. It most often coincides with the month in which the subscription was initially activated.

Subscription freeze – an operation in which further automatic debiting of funds, as well as the provision of advanced and basic functions, including the allocation of related resources, are suspended.

Unfreezing your subscription – the operation of renewing a subscription and allocating all related functions and resources.

Technical draw – a draw initiated not by the participants of the game, but by the project management or its proxies, for example, in case of critical violations of the game regulations or in case of technical failures in the software.

UTC – Coordinated Universal Time. 00:00 UTC is 03:00 Moscow time.

  1. General provisions
    1. This document describes the rules, algorithms and features of the paid subscription to the advanced features of the application.
    2. Having a subscription is not a prerequisite for using the app.
    3. If technically possible, after the first subscription payment, the user's bank card is linked to his account, and all subsequent payments are made automatically.
    4. The user can disable automatic subscription renewal at any time through the website or application, as well as by sending a corresponding request to the support service.
    5. If there is no technical possibility to link a bank card, the user must independently monitor the expiration date of his subscription and, if necessary, renew it.
    6. The funds paid for the subscription can only be refunded if the user has not spent any of the resources provided by this subscription, for example, in case of accidental or erroneous connection. If at least one resource has been spent, the service is considered to have been rendered in full, and funds for the subscription are not refunded.
    7. Disabling automatic subscription renewal does not cancel it. Resources and services for this subscription will be provided until the full expiration of its validity period. You cannot completely cancel the provision of subscription resources.
    8. By the validity period, the subscription can be of the following types:
      1. Monthly,
      2. Annual.
    9. According to the volume of resources provided, subscriptions can be of the following types:
      1. Kilosubscription,
      2. Megasubscription,
      3. Gigasubscription,
      4. Terasubscription,
      5. Petasubscription.

  1. Rules for monthly subscription
    1. Access to the advanced features of the application is provided, starting from the moment of direct payment of the subscription, up to 23:59 UTC on the billing date of the next month.
    2. If there is no payment date in the next month, access is granted until 23:59 UTC on the last day of this month.

  1. Rules for annual subscription
    1. Access to the advanced features of the application is provided, starting from the moment of direct subscription payment, up to 23:59 UTC on the payment date and month of the following year.
    2. If there is no billing date in the billing month of the following year, access is granted until 23:59 UTC on the last day of this month.

  1. General rules for all subscriptions
    1. The daily resource limits are updated at exactly 00:00 UTC every day. This hour can be changed by the user, but only once and only if there is an active subscription.
    2. Monthly resource limits are updated exactly at 00:00 UTC on the billing date. The time can also be changed according to the conditions described in the previous paragraph.
    3. If there is no billing date in the month, the limits are updated on the last day of that month.
    4. For users who have never paid for a subscription, the daily limits are always updated at 00:00 (UTC). Monthly limits are always updated within the framework of the basic functionality for such users on the 1st day, also at 00:00 (UTC).
    5. If the subscription is not renewed in a timely manner, the provision of advanced application functions is terminated, and the discount for further subscription renewal is lost. Resources continue to be provided within the framework of the basic functionality of the application. If the hour of the daily limit update was changed earlier, it is saved.
    6. Upon initial activation of the subscription, or upon early transition to a more expensive or cheaper subscription, all related resources are provided immediately after payment in full. Early transfer to a new subscription is not possible without advance payment.
    7. The discount remains when switching to a more expensive or cheaper annual subscription.
    8. The discount when switching to a cheaper monthly subscription is lost and renewed only from the second month of its timely renewal.
    9. You can renew your subscription no more than once every 24 hours. Subscription renewal is considered to affect any of its parameters, including changing the payment period, changing the subscription type, enabling or disabling automatic debiting, and so on.
    10. Unspent resources are not accumulated and are not transferred to the next billing periods.
    11. When switching from one subscription to another, Unspent resources are also not transferred or added together. However, the term of the next payment for a new subscription may be shifted forward in direct proportion to the unspent term of the old subscription.

  1. Subscription freeze
    1. When the subscription is frozen, the allocation of application resources, including those related to its basic functions, stops.
    2. Subscription can be frozen for any period, but it is allowed to use it no more than once a month and no more than three times a year since the last defrosting.
    3. The payment number for unfreezing a subscription is shifted forward by the period during which the subscription was frozen. The period during which the subscription was frozen is rounded down to a day.
    4. If less than twenty-four hours have passed since the subscription was frozen and before it was unfrozen, it is considered that the freeze has taken place, but the deadline for the next nearest subscription payment does not move anywhere.
    5. If a bank card was previously linked to the account, and if there is an appropriate technical possibility, after defrosting the subscription, its automatic renewal is resumed.
    6. The user must explicitly express a desire to freeze or unfreeze their subscription through the functionality of the application or website. No one except the user can freeze or unfreeze his subscription.

  1. Resource «of the Game»
    1. A quantitative indicator of a resource is a positive integer.
    2. The resource can be unlimited in quantitative terms.
    3. One unit of a limited resource is consumed every time an online game starts, in which the user is a direct participant.
    4. Once spent, regardless of the outcome of the online game started, except for games that ended as a result of a technical draw, the resource is not restored and is not returned.
    5. The resource is not spent in official tournaments, duels and other competitive events organized by the project management and its proxies.
    6. The resource is not consumed in offline games and games running in developer mode.
    7. After exhausting the limited resource, the user can no longer enter the game rooms created by other users, and also cannot create their own game rooms online.

  1. Resource «invisible cap»
    1. A quantitative indicator of a resource is a positive integer.
    2. The resource can be unlimited in quantitative terms.
    3. One unit of a limited resource is consumed whenever a user enters a game or chat room by enabling an invisible status.
    4. Each new entry of a user with the enabled invisible status into the room, including repeated, consumes a new unit of his limited resource.
    5. A user with the enabled invisible status can stay in the room for as long as he wants, right up to its closure, without spending additional resources.
    6. The enabled invisible user status extends to the entire system: the application and the site. For friends, such a user is displayed in the status «offline». Any activity of such a user is hidden from all project participants.
    7. While in the room, a user with the enabled invisible status cannot participate in the game, send messages to the chat or identify himself in any other way.
    8. The room manager, just like any other visitor, does not have the technical ability to identify any signs of the presence of a user with an invisible status enabled.
    9. The invisible status is turned off immediately as soon as the user leaves all the rooms where he was present in this status.
    10. The invisible status is turned off automatically when visiting any game or chat room without an invisible status.
    11. The invisible status is turned off automatically when creating a new game or chat room.
    12. When the invisible status is turned off, all unclosed rooms in which the user was present in this status are closed automatically.
    13. The user cannot enter a room with the invisible status turned on if he is present in other rooms with the invisible status turned off. To become «invisible», the user must first leave all online gaming or chat rooms.
    14. No one can enter a private room: neither a user with the invisible status enabled, nor a user with the disabled status.
    15. After the limited resource is exhausted, the user can no longer enable the invisible status.

  1. Resource «Translation of the rating»
    1. A quantitative indicator of a resource is a positive integer.
    2. The resource can be unlimited in quantitative terms.
    3. One unit of a limited resource is consumed whenever a user shares their rating units with someone.
    4. One unit of a limited resource gives the right to one interest-free transfer of rating units.
    5. Hertz can be shared with any user without restrictions.
    6. Kilohertz can only be shared with users who have a paid kilo subscription or higher.
    7. Megahertz can only be shared with users who have a paid mega subscription or higher.
    8. Gigahertz can only be shared with users who have a paid subscription or higher.
    9. Terahertz can only be shared with users who have a paid therapy subscription or higher.
    10. Petahertz can only be shared with users who have a paid peta subscription.
    11. The number of transfers between two specific users is limited and does not depend on any resources. One user can share his rating with another user
      1. no more than once an hour,
      2. no more than five times a day,
      3. no more than fifteen times a month.
    12. The user can share any amount of their rating units with another user who is eligible to receive this amount.
    13. After the limited resource is exhausted, with each authorized rating transfer, a system commission of 5% of the transfer amount is additionally deducted from the user, but not less than 1 hertz.

  1. Resource «Nickname change»
    1. A quantitative indicator of a resource is a positive integer.
    2. The resource can be unlimited in quantitative terms.
    3. One unit of a limited resource is consumed every time a user changes their nickname.
    4. Each user has the right to change their nickname once, without spending a limited resource. This right is granted to the user immediately after his first authorization and is indefinite.
    5. After the limited resource is exhausted, changing the nickname is no longer available to the user.

  1. Resource «Extension key for REAPER»
    1. A quantitative indicator of a resource is a positive integer.
    2. One unit of a limited resource entitles you to use one fully functional extension key for REAPER.
    3. One extension key for REAPER allows you to use this extension on one device.
    4. The device attached to the key can be changed no more than once a month and no more than three times a year.
    5. After the limited resource has been exhausted, obtaining new fully functional extension keys for REAPER is not available to the user.